Batch Script for maya
// Batch Tool - Python by Ignacio Zorrilla for Autodesk Maya
// version 1.01
// Oct 10, 2023
// Ignacio Zorrilla
Copyright(C) 2023 Ignacio Zorrilla. All Rights Reserved
This python tool for Maya allows the user to batch any script for any amount of maya files.
By selecting the maya files and writing any python code, the script will iterate through the files selected and apply all the scripts determined by the user.
This script is only available for python 3 and maya version 2020 and above
1)Copy the python file ""
2) Paste the "" file Maya scripts directory. On Windows that is Documents/maya/20xx/scripts/
3) Open Maya. In the Script Editor (Python), past the following code:
import Batch_Script
dialog = Batch_Script.batchUI()
3) Hit execute (or Ctrl Enter)
Maya Files
In this section, you can upload all the maya files you want to execute the script on,
Script Files
Upload all the python scripts you want to execute
Export Method
Determine the export method after executing the scipt.
- Overwrite files: It will save the maya file after executing the script. This will replace the maya file with the new version.
- Make Duplicates: It will save a maya file in the destination path after executing the script
- None: It won't perform any action after executing the script. This can be useful in case you want to manually specify what to do in your own script
Thanks for using!
Let me know if you find any bugs and how you like the tool! I will be happy to help.